A Custom FLOR rug

Our client is replacing her furniture (and also her rug) and wanted something more modern and graphic to place the new furniture on. We took a field trip to the FLOR showroom here in Georgetown.  They have samples of all the different lines that they sell.  You can make any size rug out of their carpet squares, which measure roughly 20 inches square.  They also have a nifty template on the floor of their showroom, so you can really play around with the different styles and colors.

We ultmately chose a combination of their Modern Mix line in three different colorways: cream, green, and grey.  The picture below shows what we ended up with as we were playing with the samples at FLOR.

Now, here we are in the client's living room.  We played around with the squares for a while until we found the layout that we liked.

Then, it's just a matter of what attaching them from underneath with the adhesive stickers they provide.  It doesn't attach to the floor at all -- they simply attach to each other.  This allows you to replace one if you need to in the future.

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