It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas . . .

I spent yesterday hauling up a bunch of Christmas decorations. Decorations which I thought I had packed away REALLY well organized last January - not as organized as I remembered! I did however make a note in my calendar in mid November to bring up holiday linens. I deleted the note a few days before Thanksgiving - wondering why I had thought I needed to do that in mid-November - only to have December first jump into my lap rather quickly. So December 2nd I got my act together and brought up the linens too. We use cloth napkins in our house, so it's an easy way to bring a little daily Christmas cheer by having holiday napkins. It also gave me a chance to wash and bleach all the other dish towels and napkins we use the rest of the year. Here are a few simple and non-overwhelming way to bring Christmas into your home :

I have lots of little Santas to spread throughout the house

sneaking decorations in anywhere!

adding a little Christmas to the picture frames

linens! and advent tree calendar

new wreath I could not help buying - Target - I love that this is simple and sparkly!

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